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What's For Dinner?

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Today was a typical day off for me. I sent off a few emails, cleaned the house, watched some tv, spoke to the girls, cared for the kids and so on and so on. My Husband on the other hand had to work, so as usual; we had our drive home check in. During our conversation my husband made a sarcastic comment that didn't hit me until after the call ended. He asked "When did you stop putting love in your cooking" I laughed it off and told him I was about to start dinner and hung up the phone. Once I saw that dinner was still frozen his statement bothered something in me.

There was a time when cooking for my Husband & Family was enjoyable. I would blast the music, dance & sing until my legs hurt. Each cooking utensil was a musical instrument, Every pot and pan was used as my drums. Within no time, my kids would crowed the kitchen with their nose lifted, asking "what's for dinner"

I took a few minutes to reflect and realized that I haven't danced in a while. My kids have been eating pizza, Mac N cheese and cereal for dinner lately. Defensive excuses flooded my conscience immediately " You have been working a lot, The kids have ballet, karate, foot ball, I've been tired and so on and so... The fight went on in my head for about 5 mins until I realized, no one was accusing me of anything!

Something that I enjoyed doing, I wasn't doing it with joy.... Why? Because of busyness. I was over loaded with life and cooking dinner became another task added to the "To Do" list. My husband didn't have a clue that his comment hit a place in my heart that I was neglecting. Family dinner has always been important to me. Family dinner allows me to be free, dance and spend time with my kids, all while meeting a need.

We all know that life happens and work has to get done but when is the last time you actually enjoyed doing something that brought your family together?

Dinner may not be the thing that brings your family together, but it's mine. Take the time to evaluate what brings you all together and see if you lost the Joy in it!

- Carolyn Booker

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