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Touch Me

Touch Me...

Understanding each others love language is so important. It teaches you how to effectively love your spouse but more importantly it's teaches you how to express your needs in a way both can benefit. Today I want to focus on a specific Love Language...Touch!

This love language doesn't get the respect it deserves. So many are quick to think that having touch as your dominant love language simply means you Love sex, True; but that's only one part of the language.

Touch is one of our strongest forms of communication. It can alter a conversation, identify someone's comfortability, and can help with emotional regulation.

People who have Touch as their dominant love language are easily satisfied. Sitting near them during a stressful time or simply rubbing their leg during movie night. Holding hands while walking or giving soft spontaneous kisses. There is nothing more reassuring and rewarding than having your spouse touch your enire body with intent, sharing your desire for them with your hands... mouth and Tongue.

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