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Quality time MUST be a Priority in your marriage!

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

Do you and your spouse struggle with balancing quality time? You're not alone. Most marriages go through seasons where quality time becomes less of a priority and more of a "Task" they will try to fit in...

Are you too busy for your spouse?

Life can get busy at times for anyone however, is all busyness productive? It's understandable we have jobs, goals to accomplish, and a family to raise right? But where do we draw the line? How do we know when we have categorized "Quality Time" as a task rather then a priority? Below, you will find a few warning signs that may show up when your Quality Time is being affected.

  • Your spouse feels they no longer get your undivided attention.

  • The sense of excitement when having alone time with your spouse diminishes.

  • When sex or intimacy feels like a chore.

  • When you and your spouse can't seem to get on the same page.

If your marriage is showing one or all of these warning signs don't panic, but JUMP into action. Make your marriage a priority again! Start with a few words of affirmation. Tell your spouse how much you miss them and how you can't wait to spend some alone time with them...and only them". Next, enforce Date Nights. This can take place weekly or bi-weekly depending on your family's schedule. Lastly, Get away from the busyness. Even if it's just a weekend getaway. Spend that time Restoring, Rejuvenating and Rekindling your marriage because it's worth it!

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