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I'm Sorry. . .

As a child we are taught very young the two magical words, Please & Thank You. It begins when we are just toddlers and fighting for independence. Parents would stress and reiterate the words Please & Thank You with hopes that we would learn how to share and ask for what we want respectfully...Right?

Well... what happened to "I'm Sorry"? Have you ever wondered what category that statement fell under or what special name it was given? I mean, its taught hand and hand with the magical

words, its used by moms and dads all over the world, It's known for getting people out of trouble, It has the ability to restore relationships and cause healing! To be honest; It's power is limitless. So why is it not considered a Magic Word?

I have to believe that "I'm Sorry" didn't make it to the head lines because its actually not magical, its real. The words "I'm sorry" come from a different place Please & Thank you do. In order to say "I'm Sorry" one must self reflect, confess and be held accountable. It's a three step action word that causes you to actually feel something.

I don't know about you, but I believe the statement "I'm sorry" doesn't get the credit it deserves. What do you think?

-Carolyn Booker

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