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Rekindling Challenge - 5 Days of the unexpected

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Looking to challenge yourself while igniting passion back into your marriage? Desire Me Again is offering a free 5 day Unexpected challenge experience. Exploring the depths of your imagination.

*Read the entire challenge before starting to ensure success*

5 Days of the unexpected

Day # 1

Activation is key in any relationship, especially in marriage. Take a car for example, in order for it to start you need the correct key, right? Let us start activating your spouse’s imagination with using these simple but effective steps.

Step one: Take 3 new photos with your phone/web cam, or any other equipment you may have. No more than 3 pictures please. You only want to activate the imagination not overload it. These Pictures should be sexy, showing some part of your body (not just your face) Explore your body, find what he or she may like.

Step Two: Send the pictures to your spouse via text or email and wait for the response. If you have not done anything like this before, then you're in for a great surprise and If you have, don’t worry, this never gets old. Trust me, your spouse will still respond with fuel for your engine.

Day #2

Today we are going to exercise our imagination in order to occupy the thoughts of our spouse. After completion, you will be the main desire in their minds all day.

Step One: Write a letter or poem of your choice. Describing your Desires in the bedroom. Please be detailed. Explain the location, the atmosphere, the smell, the taste, the feeling, the sounds, the expressions, the textures, and all that comes to mind, write it down!

Step Two: Leave this letter/poem with them. In their lunch box, in their work pants/jacket etc. Surprise them but make sure they are alone to fully experience what pleasures you. Enjoy the response.

Day # 3

Now your spouse should have two things on their mind. Sex or Asking themselves why you are acting so different? Either response is good and right on track! Today we focus on YOU. It’s all about you.

Step One:

Look extra sexy today Smell good, do your hair, or get a fresh haircut, get a manicure, etc. but most of all wear your confidence today. Cook looking your best, leave for work looking your best come out of the shower looking your best. Get in the bed looking your best. Some spouses may be sleep when you get home, who cares STILL LOOK YOUR BEST!

Step Two: Your smile is enticing so wear it well today.. This step is so important, you want to look and feel like a queen or king today. Nothing can get in the way of you today.

Now here is the cliffhanger…. No Sex!!!

Day # 4

Now, if you did day 3 like you were supposed to, you're right on track and your spouse is anticipating your next move. Get ready to hold on, because, for some this ride may get rocky. Today it's ALL about your spouse.

Step One:

It’s the "Yes" game. Yes I will, Yes I can, and Yes baby I got that too! This might feel like a stretch, but it's important to make your spouse feel special even if it's dramatized. Ask him or her if they need anything, what they would like to eat for dinner, even if you must order in tonight. Be patient, kind and loving as well as playful, sexy and passionate. NO NO NO Sex tonight. It will take away from the passion that is building up between you two.

Step Two: Aim to please with a tease! Kiss them, touch them passionately, whisper in their ear how much you love them. Lay your body next to theirs, and tell them that you just want to lay with them, without having sex. You want intimacy.

Day # 5

The big bang theory

Most people say men think about sex more than women, but we beg to differ. We believe both desire the act, however, go about it in different ways. Today you will have to do a little research to find out what kind of vehicle you drive as well as your partner.

For this exercise, you will read about two different kinds of sexual individuals. Identify yourself with one of them. Sexual Showboat This person enjoys sex and can not go long durations without its benefits. Showboats think about sex often and can get visually stimulated by reminiscing on their sex life. Showboats enjoy pleasing their spouse and are turned on by the pleasure they bring to the table. You may hear this individual say, "I'll try anything once" Or “lets try something new”. Showboats may even brag about their capabilities, or threaten you with a good time. They are great sex partners, and typically are visually aroused. This does not mean they don’t enjoy touching; however, they touch with intent. Slowly to get a good look or roughly to get their point across. Sensual Corvettes Now this name is given to this type of individual who does not necessary need sex all the time. Corvettes have an appreciation for sex. Corvettes are not a typical car you will drive all- year-round. You drive it with intent. Corvettes can be driven at different speeds for different reactions. Fast, if you want that high intensity experience, or you can slow it down to enjoy its beauty and value. Corvettes spend a lot of mental time on their sexual experience. They know exactly what they want, and understand the investment it takes to reach a desired destination. Corvettes may even schedule sex in making sure this appointment gets the attention it needs. Corvettes like to touch, and enjoy touching their spouse. Making love is a term corvette choose rather than having sex. Corvettes need cuddling and enjoy a quiet atmosphere. Corvettes are great sexual partners.

Before finishing this challenge, ask yourself…"Am I a Sexual Showboat or am I an Sensual Corvette?" This will help with the final steps of this challenge.

Step One:

Today you make a video!!!! Yes, a video. What kind is solely dependent about what kind of spouse you have. If you have a "Showboat" then make a sexual video. (Not a porno) keep it elegant, sexy and enticing. Be yourself, be direct and give your partner what they desire… A show!!

If you have a "Sensual Corvette" stimulate your spouse with words of affirmation. Talk to the camera as if it was your spouse. Tell them how proud you are of them, how much they mean to you, and how impactful they have been in your life. Speak about their accomplishments and character. Take this time to build them up. Step 2: Make sure to set your schedule, so that you have time to be alone with your spouse. Watch the video together and enjoy the benefits of having a showboat or a corvette.

Enjoy the unexpected…

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